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Taxation without Representation

The british Government gets new ways to generate funds from the colonies claiming the defense they gave them.
Approved on April 5, 1764 the Sugar Act placed a tax of three pennies per gallon of mollases and some other goods imported from Britain.
This new law make the colonies economy go down in a bad way and now their Economy was suffering a hard ecomical crisis.

The approval of the Sugar Act led to protests from the colonists because they thought that the new taxes being inforced on them were taxes without representation because they had no legal representation so they denied themselves to pay for them.

The economic situation in America worsten throught the year with the application of new laws like the Cuarrency Act. This law prohibited the colonies from printing paper money. These forced British merchants to call in their debts.

The colonists were upset with a new law ;The Quartering Act which required colonial citizens to house and feed British troops, and then the American colonies began to boycott British Goods.

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